Pain Management

There are many methods of managing pain, among them, medication is a big option here in Singapore. With pain medication readily available, this quickly becomes a convenient solution, especially in our hectic lifestyle here in the city.

But what if you want another solution? What if, you no longer want to use medication to manage your pain?

Physiotherapy is another way of managing pain. Physiotherapists will use a few tests to establish the cause of pain. Common factors include joint stiffness, muscle tightness and staying the same position for prolonged periods.

After establishing the cause(s) of pain, your physiotherapist may use various manual techniques to relief your pain. Having different methods allows us to choose which is a more comfortable method for you.

Finally, we will prescribe exercises for you. These exercises are a physiotherapist’s equivalent of a doctor’s prescription of medication. They are the only part of the session that you can replicate at your own time.

Exercises are meant to help you to train muscles that are weak and stretch out those that are too tight. They are also meant to target areas of immobility in your body. Sticking to the exercises prescribed to you is essential as it helps us to track your progress and make adjustments to your sessions accordingly.

Pain management is a journey, it takes time to notice changes as your muscles, joints and mind work together to create to function and manage pain.

Got more questions? Feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to answer your questions!


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